Quick Tip:

Oh, I love this one so much! (A very special thank you to my patient, let’s call her “Ms. A”, for this pain-ending tip!)

Cramps are kinda my thing. I know that sounds silly, but I have been working with cramping muscles for over fifteen years. If you talk about—or heaven forbid HAVE—a cramp in my office, you will get a whole list of various solutions. All of my previous tricks have been ‘ingestibles’, ie things that taste particularly horrid at 3 in the morning, leaving me no remedy for my patients who refuse to try a swig of dill pickle juice or teaspoon of plain ‘ole yellow mustard when their muscles seize. I get it—ICK—but honestly, these two solutions really do work! If you just can’t take the sour and bitter solutions, though, I’ve got a new one that won’t taste like anything (though you might possibly smell like an open bag of salt and vinegar chips for several minutes).

What You Need:

  • White vinegar (brand unimportant)
  • A cramping muscle
  • A hand to slap it with

What You Do:

  • Pour as much vinegar into that slapping hand as you can fit
  • Slap the vinegar onto the cramp (covering the entire area)
  • Repeat until the cramp is finished, which should only be seconds

A note on the whole Slapping bit: Yes, you are going to have to actually slap—not press, rub, knead, stretch, work in or on or out—literally no other definition but one that involves the quick smacking of a vinegary hand upon the skin.

I wasn’t a believer until I saw this work for my son after an especially grueling workout, but I am telling you—it spared him quite a bit of pain both then and with the ‘normal soreness’ afterward.

Do you have any tips you’d like me to share with my patients? If so, let me know!

Your Friend In Wellness,


Sharing is the kindest thing you can do!

Quick Tip:

Oh, I love this one so much! (A very special thank you to my patient, let’s call her “Ms. A”, for this pain-ending tip!)

Cramps are kinda my thing. I know that sounds silly, but I have been working with cramping muscles for over fifteen years. If you talk about—or heaven forbid HAVE—a cramp in my office, you will get a whole list of various solutions. All of my previous tricks have been ‘ingestibles’, ie things that taste particularly horrid at 3 in the morning, leaving me no remedy for my patients who refuse to try a swig of dill pickle juice or teaspoon of plain ‘ole yellow mustard when their muscles seize. I get it—ICK—but honestly, these two solutions really do work! If you just can’t take the sour and bitter solutions, though, I’ve got a new one that won’t taste like anything (though you might possibly smell like an open bag of salt and vinegar chips for several minutes).

What You Need:

  • White vinegar (brand unimportant)
  • A cramping muscle
  • A hand to slap it with

What You Do:

  • Pour as much vinegar into that slapping hand as you can fit
  • Slap the vinegar onto the cramp (covering the entire area)
  • Repeat until the cramp is finished, which should only be seconds

A note on the whole Slapping bit: Yes, you are going to have to actually slap—not press, rub, knead, stretch, work in or on or out—literally no other definition but one that involves the quick smacking of a vinegary hand upon the skin.

I wasn’t a believer until I saw this work for my son after an especially grueling workout, but I am telling you—it spared him quite a bit of pain both then and with the ‘normal soreness’ afterward.

Do you have any tips you’d like me to share with my patients? If so, let me know!

Your Friend In Wellness,


Sharing is the kindest thing you can do!
